Nalezeno 28 firem
Internetová řešení, e-shop, SEO, corporate identity, publikační systémy pro správu obsahu - Content Management System, SQL databázové systémy a aplikace, Intranet, dynamické flash prezentace, tvorba firemních prezentačních CD nebo DVD, kompletní návr...
Soukromá školka s výukou v angličtině pro děti od 18 měsíců do 5ti let. Maximálně 10 dětí ve třídě.
Zabýváme se vydavatelskou činností i polygrafickou výrobou. Provozujeme web obsahující aktuální informace z oblasti politiky, konkrétně senátem, poslaneckou sněmovnou i vládou.
Kreativní a grafické studio, reklamní a produkční agenturu, vydavatelsví, polygrafický provoz (malonákladový digitální a velkoformátový tisk, signmaking, potisk triček a reklamních předmětů...).
Firma se zabývá stavební činností jako jsou rekonstrukce, stavby n klíč, zateplení domů, fasády, obklady, sádrokartony, přestavby.
Our product line covers a wide range as optical equipment, optical instruments, optical tools and ophthalmic equipment. No matter you are an optical products distributor, an optician, an optometrist or a ophthalmologist, you can always satisfy your n...
Jsme první český výrobce biopotravin a jeden z největších současných zpracovatelů biosurovin v České Republice. Our company is one of the biggest producer and processor of organic products in the Czech Republic. Currently we have over 70 employees,...
Jsme agentura na hlídání koček přímo u Vás doma v Praze, Brně a okolí. Poskytujeme spolehlivý servis pro Vaše kočky. Ověřit si nás můžete dle spokojených referencí našich klientů na:, nebo na našem facebooku, kde...
Our services include complete shooting and post-production [in co-operation with industry professionals]. Documentary, Music-Video, Low-Coast commercial, internet and cross-media.
New attraction in Prague allowing You to discover all the noteworthy places, fast, in comfort and safely on electric bikes. We specialize our Tours to see the whole picture of Prague, not only city center and some of its landmarks but nature, populat...
We are a wholesaler of branded Stock (stocklot) clothes and footwear and manufacturer of Industrial Wiping Rags for cleaning. At the moment we are working with over 30 countries in whole Europe. Also we\\\'re taking leading positions in our business....
Full marketing research services - both qualitative research, quantitative research. We are part of international Synovate network and we provide our clients with all marketing research support for business and marketing strategies.
We sell Brand new original Mobile phones which include the Nokia, Blackberrys, Iphones, HTC touch, Samsung and sony ericsson phones and ipods. All our phones comes with a 1 year international warranty. We also sell Cameras and Camcorders.
New things are said to bring happiness to our lives. So why shouldn’t it be the same with building a new website or an app? We believe that creating new things is an exciting experience. We at KOIA KOIA! enjoy bringing innovative ideas to the real wo...
We are digital communication agency. We are keen on of on-line campaigns including strategic and media planning as well as complete production of any interactive content. We have experience with clients from various fields and our works have been re...
Medimport is a marketing and trading company. At the present we exclusively represent five foreign producers (from Germany and Switzerland) in the Czech Republic. Our principal activity is concentrated in the organizing of purchase and sales of pharm...
Alstanet, s.r.o. profesionální společnost se sídlem v Praze. Zaměřujeme se na intranetové a extranetové aplikace, které pomáhají našim klientům optimalizovat jejich podnikání a maximalizovat profit z prostředků invetovaných do informačních technologi...
Software company experienced in business critical application design, implementation and testing. We specialize in full lifecycle development of distributed client/server systems, SOA, scalable and highly available internet applications and mission c...
AssemTech, Ltd Established in Czech in 1990 Is a leading representative organization for the electronic industry in Czech and Slovak republic providing sales, sales support and technical services to world leading manufacturers of systems, equipments...
Naše společnost se zabývá poskytovaným služeb v oboru migrace. Our business Search for documents for the confirmation of Bulgarian, Romanian and Hungarian roots in archives in Bulgaria, Romania and Moldavia what makes it possible to implement the r...
Be out in front with an executive education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison! There is no better way to be out in front in your career than to trust your executive education needs to the University of Wisconsin-Madison and AK&K Consulting...
Physter Technology is a prominent supplier and integrator of professional software systems and information/communication technologies. Devoted team builds on experience mainly in the telecommunications segment – practice in business procedures and de...
COM PLUS was incorporated in 1993 to fill the market gap in the area of telecommunications. In the same year the company was authorized as an AT&T dealer for the North Bohemia region. After satisfaction of all the challenging requirements, COM PLUS...
Rotor is a film production company based in Prague, Czech Republic that represents local directors and animators who have international experience and ambitions. Rotor develops and produces TV commercials, TV Series, music videos and provides prod...
ZinSan Chain was founded as a chain factory in 1985. Back then, chains were used for agriculture, first of all, in particular for livestock husbandry (cattle chains for cows, calves, oxen–including bridle chains—and chains for bulls, goats, dogs as w...
Rent a car in Prague Czech Republic. Prague car rental company offers to hire a vehicle in Europe. How to rent a car in Prague. Royal car rental company in Prague - on-line car rent reservation. Car rental terms and conditions. Czech Republic car Ren...
Firma FPC s.r.o byla založena v roce 2000. Jsme dynamický profesionální tým, který v oblasti testování kabeláže a elektroniky dodává kompletní zařízení včetně veškerého hardwarového a softwarového vybavení. Naše zařízení používá pro testování svých...
ePoptá je největší poptávkový systém v České republice, který využívá 280 800 dodavatelů ze všech oborů podnikání. Měsíčně zpracujeme přes 11 tis. poptávek ve finančním objemu více než 7 mld. Kč.
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