Before I started to use hypnosis, I was practicing my own method of self-acceptance where the state of hypnosis is not intentionally induced, but is happening with imagery. With that, I witnessed how people were able get over various states of mind. When I started to use hypnosis, I had seen that my previous knowledge combined with my new techniques was very effective in many areas such as self-confidence, frustrations, various fears, phobias, etc. I occasionally teach my techniques of self-acceptance and I lead therapeutic groups in Brighton and London. I've been actively working as a therapist since 2010. Before that, I was involved in practicing many years of mindfulness. I have published the following books: "The Mystery of Life: You are the Light, and that's indestructible truth" and "Power of Lovefullness: The Method of Self-Acceptance". I have also published a DVD "The Foundations in Mindfulness" and a CD for guided relaxation "The Power of Lovefullness" and an handbook for hypnotherapists "Hypnosis Scripts" with "Special offer". I am professional member also at Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC Registered) and I am certified by National Guild of Hypnotists (CH). I am also a member of American Alliance of Hypnotists. I work also in Brighton and Manchester.
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